nose update

03/03/15 08:38

Since Karl Ove Knausgaard wrote about his bowel movements in his New York Times Magazine story about traveling through America on the trail of the Vikings, I suppose it's OK to blog about my nose.

The almost perfect, blood red circle at the tip has crusted into a less livid but not necessarily stylish scab. (I have to address a women's group tonight in Boynton Beach.) Still, I was finally starting to feel better about it yesterday when I received a call from my dermatologist's office saying that I need to make a return visit for something they found on my forehead. Well, at least the forehead is not as in your face as the nose.

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products for people

At this time it seems like Drupal is the top blogging platform out there right now.
(from what I’ve read) Is that what you are using on your blog?

03/29/15 @ 05:41

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