The Travel Channel pretty much lost me when it debuted "Man vs. Food." Man vs. Food? What about Man vs. Immigration Officer? Man vs. Rental Car Company?
Flipping to the Travel Channel last night I saw a new show (new to me at least) titled "Jaw-Dropping Rentals." It was about million dollar houses. The shots were mostly of interiors - infinity bathtubs, trophy kitchens - with some views outside of the pool and gardens. I checked to see if I had landed on HGTV by mistake. (Just as I used to think I was watching the Food Channel.)
The Travel Channel seems interested in everything except travel. Yes, these were homes to rent, presumably while traveling, provided you had the necessary six-figure income. But they had nothing of local flavor about them; they were all about luxury, living the good life in your own little world. Which is the opposite of experiencing the world, i.e. travel.