I’ve been back from Poland for over a week now, but most of the time has been spent in bed with the bronchitis I picked up in Krakow. I started coughing the day the Olympics opened in Paris, which meant that for the first two weeks of my illness I was able to watch the greatest athletes in the world compete in the most beautiful city in the world. (It was interesting, also, seeing the games from another country’s perspective – lots of brave interviews with people heading home without medals.) Since returning to Florida, I have been watching tennis (now on hiatus until the U.S. Open next week), the Little League World Series, and – starting last night – the Democratic National Convention. Last week, in another instance of good timing, the New Yorker’s special humor issue arrived. Meanwhile, I’m hearing that some types of bronchitis last six to eight weeks, which would take me past the U.S. Open finals and well into the start of football season.