For as long as we have been going to Doc B’s in Fort Lauderdale, Hania has been lodging a complaint about the absence of gluten-free desserts. Managers change fairly frequently, so each new one hears her lament. Once we sat next to a man visiting from corporate headquarters in Chicago; we watched as he observed and instructed staff; he too got an earful from Hania.

Last night we found another new manager at the restaurant. Hania stopped him as he passed our table and launched into her spiel.

“But we now have a gluten-free dessert,” he told her. Not the flourless chocolate cake that she had long recommended, but a kind of chocolate mousse. It wasn’t on the menu yet because they were testing it out.

It was delicious, more complex than a classic chocolate mousse, with hints of salt and caramel, and a sprinkling of shaved nuts on top. (We passed on the whipped cream.)  

Hania felt like a culinary agent of change.

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