
04/13/23 09:06

Last night just before midnight our Cuban neighbor called to tell us that the water in the garage was up to his knees and that we should move our car. I recently had seven stitches removed from my lower leg (basal cell carcinoma) so he kindly and successfully got the car out for us, and parked it in an impromptu parking lot in front of our building, which is on a slight rise. Hania and I spent the next hour trying to empty the back seat of water. (The floor in the front was a little damp but otherwise OK.)

This morning we discovered that both canals overflowed onto the dock – first time we’ve seen that in 34 years here. I might take a bike ride later today; for now, my car is blocked by about half a dozen others. The garage now is one extensive puddle streaked with dirt, so there’s no returning there until it’s cleaned up.

At least now perhaps the snowbirds will leave.


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