the onion II

05/15/13 07:26

My friend Ben Crandell comments on The Onion:

A lot of people are missing the delicious subtlety at work in The Onion's skewering of Fort Lauderdale: A fake news organization faking the downward spiral of quality in the news business -- even when it comes to fake news! They produced a story -- uninformed and unfunny -- that mimics perfectly what The Onion would be reduced to if it had to eviscerate its staff and rely on part-timers and interns to create the product. The lackluster writing, the fish-in-a-barrel target (Fort Lauderdale is not New York or Boston? Really?) and the delightfully excruciating long-windedness (because there are no editors anymore) create a brilliant satire of the decline of newspapering and what passes for humor these days. Bravo, Onion! We are not worthy!

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