Since Tina Brown took over Newsweek, the magazine has acquired a definite British flavor. This is not really a complaint, especially since, never having subscribed to the magazine, I am now for some reason finding it in my mailbox every week.

The issue that arrived yesterday features, on the cover, Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher. Inside you will find Amanda Foreman on Lady Thatcher, Simon Schama on Christopher Hitchens, Niall Ferguson on Newt Gingrich (a Yank!), and Martin Amis on the entire field of Republican presidential hopefuls (more Yanks). Ben Kingsley writes on the last page about his "favorite mistake," which he made while a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Elsewhere, Americans Anthony Weiner, Ashton Kutcher and Charlie Sheen are all called "Twits" (in "2011's Epic Wins & Fails"). And Patrick Leigh Fermor is included as one of the "Visionaries Who Changed Our World."

I was thrilled to see my favorite travel writer remembered in an end-of-the-year roundup. And I am quite sure that the man who devoted nearly half his life to capturing, in breathtakingly baroque and recherche sentences, a walk he took in the 1930s would be as amused as I was to find himself described as a visionary.

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