marriage gig

10/12/11 08:57

Na co czlowiek sie naraza kiedy meza jest pisarza.

(How a woman sure does suffer when her husband is a writer.)

- old Polish saying

Driving down to Coral Gables last Thursday we listened to Marketplace on NPR. The host was on an LA bus talking to passengers, one of whom was a musician/writer who didn't have a steady job but went from gig to gig. "You're part of the gig economy," the host told him. "Me too," I said to Hania: "I'm part of the gig economy."

On Coral Way Hania pointed out a sign affixed to a building which, under the company name, read: "Nurses Wanted" followed by a phone number. "That's a permanent sign," Hania said. "Imagine if it said: 'Writers Wanted.'"

Yesterday was our 31st wedding anniversary.

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