Driving to Cafe Verdi last night I headed down SW 7th Street past the new park. The fence has been taken down, making it look very open and, somehow, more tropical (the free-flowing palm trunks are now nicely accentuated) and a sign has been posted with the hours. (Which makes me suspect a new fence is coming. Plea to city officials: Don't fence them in.) A few blocks down I half-circled the half-finished roundabout. (I love roundabouts.)
Then on SW 2nd Street I stopped to check out the new Blue Jay Cafe. I had noticed it Saturday, tucked away at the eastern end of the two-story brick building across from the park. It promised Southwestern food in an attractive but very small space. Last night I found the owner standing outside. He said that he's going to have seating for 24 on the sidewalk, and that he hopes to open the first week of June. I asked him where he was from and he said he grew up in Taos. I welcomed him to the neighborhood.