Tom, I have the same hopes and doubts as you about the Marlins and Miami. I want it to work, but the geography is an issue, and that feeling of separation from Miami that you describe is persistent in places where the Marlins will need supporters.
Wariness of Miami is definitely one reason that the Langerado music festival was canceled this year. A lot of past attendees were happiest camping in the ‘Glades, and turning the festival into a downturn urban experience made them reconsider.
The thing is, Miami has so much going on - especially now. I feel like it’s never been more a interesting city than it is today. Hopefully the Fish will become part of that revival.
Very nice to hear from you - hope you’re hanging on at the Sun-Sentinel. I agree with you about Miami - its proximity is the best thing about living in Fort Lauderdale. Hope to see you at a game.