I heard on the radio this morning that the Concert Assocation of Florida was not booking any events at the Broward Center. One of the reasons cited was low ticket sales. Concerts will instead be held at Miami's Arsht Center.

When I moved here in 1989 the joke was: "You have to get used to the non-culture shock." The joke could make a comeback. At least then we had a philharmonic. And the Sun-Sentinel had critics of art, film, theater and classical music.

But it's not just in the cultural realm that Fort Lauderdale is regressing. Back in 1989, Las Olas was a dead zone. There were upscale shops, and a few restaurants, but it wasn't a place for people to stroll.

Today, most of the block where the Riverside sits is empty. Popular businesses like Cafe Europa and O'Hara's were forced out by the hotel's planned expansion. But nothing is happening, no doubt for financial reasons, and a once vibrant section of downtown is devoid of life. Just like old times.

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