Driving back from the spring training game with my friend Rob, I switched to the left lane as I approached the red light.
“You’re in the polite lane,” Rob said, aware that I didn’t want to block anyone wishing to make a right turn on red.
We’re off to Texas this afternoon, where, I imagine, the polite lane thrives. I’ll be back on April 8th.
There are word pairings that inadvertently signal our current depravity and gradual decline. This occurred to me recently while reading a Miami luxury magazine and coming across the phrase “renowned mixologist.”
Watching Dolly Parton at the Grammys, Hania asked, “She’s from Texas?”
“Tennessee,” I said.
“That’s another big hair state, isn’t it?”
I used to watch the State of the Union address out of a sense of obligation. Now I avoid it out of a feeling of disgust.
It's that one time of the year when Hania gets a small taste of what it's like to be Jewish at Christmas.
I got a flu shot this year to protect myself not from the flu but from the people who, on hearing you’re sick, always ask if you got a flu shot.