rain man

06/08/17 08:26

I used to love rain. Last year I nodded when the author of Rain, a professor at the University of Florida, said in an interview that she loved being in Miami during a thunderstorm. I believe she mentioned how she’d watch the torrents and then, 20 minutes later, the sun would come out.

I always told people that the great thing about South Florida was that it was one of the few places in the country that got huge amounts of sun and huge amounts of rain. A few years ago I worked with a woman who didn’t buy that; she said Florida was the wettest place she had ever lived. I laughed. She had grown up outside Seattle.

Last evening, during a break in the rain that I mistook for a conclusion, we went out to dinner. Halfway through the meal it started to pour. Going to get the car, I may have ruined my favorite pair of shoes.

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