At Books & Books in Coral Gables on Saturday afternoon, Pamela Druckerman delineated the various ways that the French are superior parents and then, reluctantly, addressed the piece she wrote for the New York Times that basically called Miami a cultural and intellectual wasteland.

Actually, she didn't address it. She read a list of the things she loves about Miami, and then spoke about its economic inequalities.

A few hours later, Hania and I found ourselves on Lincoln Road. It was crowded with people - couples, teens, families, young parents pushing strollers - all enjoying the balmy evening. Some carried shopping bags; no one walked with a book. There were smiles and frequent peals of laughter - more than you'll find on Boulevard St. Germain. We may not be more intellectual than Parisians - or even Portlanders - but we're more joyful.

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