
01/26/12 10:07

I'm a blogger, not a student of blogging. So I have no idea why my post about a brief encounter in the gym got more traffic than anything I've written in months. Are there more people searching for "equine dentistry" than are looking for mentions of Alec Baldwin?

I usually don't blog about my blogs (the form seems self-referential enough) but I'm also confused as to why people think spam comments will advance their interests. The first three, as of a few minutes ago, seemed to span the spectrum of the genre: insulting ("You just copied someone else's story" - this after a blog post about a tie that's been out of fashion for over half a century); complimentary ("Subscribed to your blog, thanks."); and nonsensical ("Really worthwhile article. Pay attention.")

I used to delete the spam, but it now infiltrates the comments in such high volume that I can no longer keep up with it. So if you ever have something to say - and I hope you will - just send it to me in an e-mail and I'll print it in the blog. And then I will be just copying someone else's writing.

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